Colour Belt Grading (Sunday, 16 June 2013)

Date: Sunday, 16 June 2013

Location: Brookfield School, Chesterfield

For all colour belt students up to and including red belt.

GRADING Sunday 16/06/2013.

Brookfield Community School, Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield. S40 3NS, UK


Lesson: 9. 30am. Grading: approx. 10.30am.

Yellowstripes, Yellowbelts and Greenstripes:

Lesson: 10. 30am. Grading: approx. 11.30.

Greenbelts and higher grades.

Lesson: 11.30am. Grading: approx. 1.00/ 1.30pm.

All of the above refer to your existing belt or stripe colour.

Questions for all grades will be asked on the day.

Students may leave when they have completed their grading.

To grade, the fee of £36 should be paid before 08/06/2013.

Price includes: grading, lesson and new theory card.

We pride ourselves in offering a fair and thorough grading.

For further details please ask your instructor or see the Colour Belt Grading page.


Taekwon-Do is the scientific use of the body in the method of self defence. A body that has gained the ultimate use of it's facilities through physical and mental training. Taekwon-Do will improve your flexibility, strengthen your body, help channel agressions and reduce overall stress.

Where & When

Training usually takes place at Brookfield School on Mondays and Whittington Green School on Wednesdays.

Free 1st Lesson

Watch the news, read the papers - it's true and sad to see that violent crimes exist everywhere... Prepare yourself for the unexpected and protect yourself, your family and those around.


Miss Emma Deakin

Black Belt, 5th Degree
- Competed in 3 World Championships
- Won 9 World Championship medals
- Former World Bronze Medallist in under 63kg sparring
- Former British Champion


Mr Dale Hubbuck

Black Belt, 3rd Degree
Assistant Instructor

Mr Paul Phillips

Black Belt, 3rd Degree
Assistant Instructor