Red Belt Syllabus
Basic Self Defence:
1 Step Sparring & 2 step or 3 step.
Free Sparring & Free style Sim Sparring.
Forwards: Rt.LS. Guarding block,hookingkick-sidekick off the front leg, reverse turning hooking kick off the back.
Backwards: WS. Knifehand high front strike bringing backhand in front of head.
Forwards: Flying sidekick in a double stepping motion, execute a knife hand guarding block.
Backwards: LS. X knifehand middle checking block.
Forwards: Turningkick, then reverse turningkick-turningkick on the same leg.
Backwards: WS. Twin palm upward block.
Forwards: LS. Guarding block,double step hookingkick off the front leg.To change stance perform a single step. Turn and block.
Backwards: SS. Middle front outerforearm block and then a high side backfist. Turn and block
Forwards: Frontkick-downwardkick on the same leg. Turn and block Forwards: Flying frontkick off the back leg. Turn and block.
POWER: Both hands and feet, choice technique. Big pad / 1 or 2 boards.